Tuesday, April 14, 2009

James Madison University

Kendall took a trip to Harrisonburg, VA to see where her parents went to college - James Madison University. Too bad the weather wasn’t all that great. She still got to see the Duke Dog, and we still took some great pictures. Wow, I feel old...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Luray Zoo

While on our way to JMU we stopped at the Luray Zoo. This is a small recue zoo located in the middle of nowhere. She saw lots of snakes, birds, and even a tiger.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Playground time...

Now that Kendall can walk, one of her favorite activities is to visit a school playground near our house. It's still a little tough for her to enjoy the slide, being that it is ten times her size, but she is also a people watcher... who did she get that from??? :-)