Kendall went to a Richmond Renegades hockey game. On every goal they fired a canon that echoed throughout the arena. Guess we know she isn’t deaf or maybe she is now, because they scored a lot of goals. She is sitting in her backpack carrier, which she loves. It keeps her nice and coddled. Oh… and yeah she loves the camera!
Kendall spent Easter Weekend in Williamsburg. She did not have an Easter egg hunt (since she can’t walk), but we did go to church! This picture was taken after church with Uncle Bruce. Next year we promised her an egg hunt!
Kendall was so excited this year, she couldn’t wait to try on her Easter costume. It’s a good thing Easter comes early this year. Thanks to Auntie Jenn we have this wonderful picture.
Mr. Brian Hundertmark is the proud winner of the GarsonClaxtonLLC office pool. He had the closest guess (and yes it was a guess despite what he says) to the day and time of Kendall's birth.